Learn about the technique of radiocarbon dating and its applications in fossil s...
Explore the evolution of vertebrates through geologic time, from ancient fish to...
Explore the taphonomic processes in geology, which reveal how organisms decay, f...
Discover the diverse applications of paleontological data in fields like geology...
Explore the various theories of evolution, from Lamarckism to modern synthesis.
Understand the principles and methods of classifying organisms in paleontology.
Discover the applications of microfossils in environmental geology, including pa...
Learn about the evolution and diversity of Devonian fishes and Mesozoic reptiles.
Explore the evolution of plants from ancient algae to modern flora.
Follow the evolutionary history of horses, from early ancestors to modern equines.
Discover the flora of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana and their stratigraphi...
Explore the significant vertebrate fossils found in Indian stratigraphy, from an...
Explore the morphology, evolution, and stratigraphic significance of key fossil ...
Investigate the causes and consequences of mass extinctions, from asteroid impac...
Understand the mechanisms driving evolution, from natural selection to genetic d...