Types of Tunnel Diodes

Tunnel diodes come in different types based on how they are built and the materials that were used to make them.

  1. Single-Well Tunnel Diode: This kind of diode has a negative differential resistance and is used in circuits for amplifiers and oscillators.
  2. Double-Barrier Tunnel Diode:This diode is used in millimeter-wave generators because it can work at higher frequencies.
  3. Superlattice Tunnel Diode: This is used to achieve more exact control over the tunneling process and can lead to better performance
  4. A tunnel diode that resonates:This is the Esaki inter-band tunnel diode. It is an addition to the normal tunnel diode and is used for tasks that need higher frequencies.


Advantages of Tunnel Diode

  • Extremely small.
  • Simple to make.
  • Not expensive.
  • Low electricity use.
  • Live a long time.
  • Not too loud.
  • Fast moving.


Disadvantages of Tunnel Diodes

  • Not enough proper DC separation.
  • Less change in power.
  • Not able to be made in large amounts.


Applications of Tunnel Diodes

  • Tunnel diodes can switch on and off quickly, which is why they are used in microwave applications.
  • The II relaxation oscillator circuit makes use of it.
  • Used to store logic and memory.
  • It is used in FM tuners.