A noun is a term that refers to a person, location, object, or idea. They're the building blocks of our sentences, and every complete sentence needs at least one noun to make sense.


Types of Nouns

  • Concrete Nouns: You can touch or sense them with your five senses.

Examples: dog, house, mountain, rainbow, ice cream

  • Abstract Nouns: They represent ideas or concepts.

Examples: love, freedom, justice, knowledge, courage

  • Proper Nouns: They have a unique name and are always capitalized.

Examples: Sarah, Eiffel Tower, Shakespeare, Mona Lisa

  • Common Nouns: They name a general group of things.

Examples: cat, city, book, feeling, color

  • Example: The fluffy cat (noun) naps contentedly in the sunbeam. (noun)
  • Example: Reading (noun) a good book is my favorite (adjective) way to relax (verb).