A sentence is a collection of words that punctuates the conclusion of a thought and represents the entire idea.. Think of it like a mini-movie: it has a beginning, middle, and end, telling a little story.


1. Declarative Sentences: They declare facts or opinions.

  • Example: The fluffy cat naps contentedly in the sunbeam. (States a fact about the cat's behavior)
  • Example: This chocolate cake is the most delicious dessert I've ever tasted! (Expresses an opinion)


2. Interrogative Sentences: They ask questions.

  • Example: Where is the library located? (Requests information about location)
  • Do you like playing video games? (Seeks a yes/no answer)


3. Imperative Sentences: They give commands or requests.

  • Please help me set the table. (Polite request)
  • Run! There's a dog chasing us! (Urgent command)


4. Exclamatory Sentences: They express strong emotions.

  • Ouch! That hurt! (Expresses pain)
  • Hurray! We won the game! (Shows excitement and celebration)