Conjunctions help you make your sentences flow smoothly and express complex ideas.

Conjunctions are like their special tools, connecting words, phrases, and even clauses, building smooth and clear sentences. Let's explore these word wizards!
What Do Conjunctions Do?
- Join words: They connect words of the same type, like nouns, verbs, or adjectives.
- Example: I like cats and dogs. (Connects the nouns "cats" and "dogs")
- Join phrases: They link phrases to create smoother sentences.
- Example: He ran quickly, but tripped over a rock. (Connects the phrases "ran quickly" and "tripped over a rock")
- Join clauses: They combine independent clauses (sentences) into complex sentences.
- Example: I finished my homework, so I can play now. (Connects the two independent clauses)
Types of Conjunctions
- Coordinating Conjunctions: Join words or phrases of equal importance. They're like the "FANBOYS" team: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.
- Subordinating Conjunctions: Introduce dependent clauses, often showing cause, time, or condition. They're like a big group with examples like Because, Although, Since, If, While, Unless.
- Time: After, before, when, until
- Comparison: Than, as, like
- Reason: Because, since, as
- Condition: If, unless, provided that
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